Protective Status Bill Update

Posted by wsdsaadmin on Feb 16, 2018 in All News, Legislative Updates | Comments Offon Protective Status Bill Update


Just a quick update from the legislature…

Good News…

The Protective Status Bill for County Jailers passed the Assembly late yesterday afternoon, Thursday February 15, 2018,  on a voice vote. As Caty had stated in her legislative update, it is now in front of the Senate however, Senator Duey Stroebel, chairperson of the Senate Committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection, will not hold a public hearing on the bill. Hamilton Consulting Group will continue to discuss this legislation with other Senators and attempt to get this moving in the Senate. The Senators on this committee are Senators Stroebel, Craig, Kapenga, Wirch, and Carpenter. If you happen to know any of these senators, or any other senator, send them an email, give them a call, and express the importance of this bill.

I will keep you posted as more information comes in.

Stay safe everybody.

Jeff Klatt
Chair, WS&DSA Legislative Committee